Showing posts with label reel-to-reel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reel-to-reel. Show all posts

9 Oct 2016

Pioneer PR-85

7" empty / take-up reel
metallic chassis

29 Apr 2016

Akai 7" Tape Reel

7" empty / take-up reel
metallic chassis

9 Jun 2013

Pioneer SA-9800, Pioneer SG-9800, Pioneer TX-9800, Pioneer RT-707

Bella scena ma non stiamo parlando di come suona.
Il Pioneer SA-9800 è l'apice della peggior produzione giapponese degli anni settanta e,
come molti prodotti Pioneer vintage, raggiunge in Italia (e non solo) quotazioni assurde.
Il Pioneer TX-9800 invece è un buon sintonizzatore.

20 Oct 2012

National RS-755S (outside only)





2 ch / 4 tracks,
in: mic (2ch), line (2ch),
out: line (2ch), speakers (2ch),
3 digit linear counter,
2x full range Panasonic speakers, speakers out,
mm ---x---x---, kg -,-.

24 May 2012

Akai 1800-SS

reel to reel* / Q8 cartridge°
* 4,75 cm/s 9,5 cm/s 19 cm/s,
° 9,5 cm/s,
* 4 ch 4 tracks, ° 4 ch 8 tracks,
* 1 motor 4 heads, ° 3 heads,
Nippon Chemicon, Elna components,
in: 2+2 mic (st/surr), 2+2 line,
out: 2+2 line (st/surr), hp, speakers,
3 digit linear counter,
30-22000 Hz ± 3dB (19 cm/s),
30-15000 Hz ± 3dB (9,5 cm/s),
50-7000 Hz ± 3dB (4,75 cm/s),
50-17000 Hz ± 3dB °,
W&F <0,12% (19 cm/s),
S/N >50 dB *, S/N >45 dB °,
2 speakers (fullrange Fostex FE-103 120mm),
speakers out (for Akai SW-35),
mm 420x445x240, kg 23,0.